Protect the family business on divorce by using collaborative law or mediation

June 24, 2016

Protect The Family Business On Divorce By Using Collaborative Law Or Mediation

Protect The Family Business On Divorce By Using Collaborative Law Or Mediation

You are already aware about the personal and financial impact of a divorce.You may realize how worse it gets when you understand the perspective of the divorce court judges about business owners and entrepreneurs. It is essential to not allow a divorce to damage the health of your family business, which is intended to produce either future income or the capital to meet your family needs. Family law judges often misunderstand about business risks, funding issues and the real liquidity of family business. Courts are often unable to read and understand the business accounts. It is highly undesirable to allow decisions to be made on basis of misunderstandings about the true state of health of your business.

There is the need of a professional mediator to look after the effect on health of your business after the divorce or separation. In mediation services, you can take into account how exactly your family and business work. In presence of a privacy clause, customers, staff, suppliers, investors and banks do not lose confidence.
Our mediation services are available both as sole or shuttle mediation for couples. The out of hours mediation services provide maximum convenience to people. People seeking an amicable divorce will always find our services to be attractive.

Trust is an essential factor within any type of family mediation process. If you seek the help of a professional mediator, he or she should be able to be completely impartial in terms of the offered opinions and advice. An impartial perspective assures the best outcome of family mediation process. Every party wants to reach a decision which proves to be beneficial to all those who are involved.

Family Mediation

In case where couples share many assets and children, family mediation process ensures that both the parties resolve their issues without the need of going to court. It is a serious complication when both the parties are unable to agree on splitting aforementioned equity. This leads to mounting legal fees which skyrockets quickly.

There is utter need of discretion and confidentiality when such financial cases are being dealt with. You need a team of trained mediators to rest assured that your interests are taken care of in the best possible way.

You already know that running a business is quite risky. It is not a good idea to let a divorce court judge decide what is best for your family business. Mediation services enable you to take control of the situation and keep everything in private. It is clearly understood that it is impossible for an entrepreneur and a divorce court judge to perceive the financial world of business in the same way.

For more information on our services, please call us today.

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