Definition of Divorce in terms of Mediation

July 25, 2016

Definition Of Divorce In Terms Of Mediation


Definition Of Divorce In Terms Of Mediation

There are a lot of people who are not well aware of how mediation works. They have heard about Mediation but they are not able to understand it deeply. There are a lot of people who are coming forward to take the help of mediators for solving their divorce cases.

Since there is no need of going to the court or hiring a solicitor, they feel that it is the best and the cheaper way of getting things settled. But the problem arises when something new comes up during the process of mediation and the couples are not able to understand the procedure properly.

There was an interview conducted on June 13, 2016, on this same issue. The motive of this interview was to bring forward a clear definition of divorce in terms of mediation. The interviewee was Johnathan Pease, a well known Family Mediator and PPC. He was asked questions related to the real meaning of family mediation. He had defined mediation as a divorce process which included answers to questions like

  1. Can mediation work for high-net-worth individuals?
  2. Is family mediation all about bringing back the couples together?
  3. What about the state of confidentiality in mediation?
  4. Is working with a family mediator a better option than working with a family solicitor?

A family mediator will take you through the process of mediation, in the case of a divorce, in the same way as a solicitor would by keeping in mind the finances as there are certain legal things which have to take place when you are segregating your financial assets. The same thing will be done by the mediator but in a more efficient way.

What can a Mediator do?

A mediator will sit with the couples and spend a good amount of time to organize finances by looking at the current situation of the couple. The mediator will try to figure out what the couple wants to achieve by going forward and will accordingly work out a way to divide their assets. The mediator will divide the assets in such a way that both the parties are satisfied with the solution.

After arriving at a particular solution, the job of the mediator is to put everything together in a document and make sure that it is in a condition which is presented to the court for authorization in a consent order. The same thing is done with the children as they are the ones who have to be consoled the most. The mediator sits down with the children and figures out where they will live and how will they be moved back and forth between two parents, what will be the case during Christmas and other holidays and all that kind of things.

The main goal of the mediator is to make sure that the parents are able to join their children during their happy times instead of being dragged to the court.

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