Family Mediation Bradford

Solihull Family Mediation

Are You Going Through A Divorce?

Family Mediation Bradford offer Mediation Information Assessment Meeting (MIAM) and mediation by sole or shuttle mediation for couples and we also offer out of hours mediation for maximum convenience.

Sometimes a good place to start is family mediation and this is why we are recommended by family courts, solicitors and Citizen advice all across the UK.

fixed price divorce services

Family Mediation Bradford Services

Family Mediation Bradford

One of the primary advantages of mediation is that the process is adaptable and can be modified to match the interests of the parties and their families. The conventional style of family mediation requires the mediator to meet together with both parties (remotely or in person). However, mediators may also engage in “shuttle mediation,” in which the parties sit in separate rooms while the mediator moves between them.

Co-mediation, in which two mediators conduct sessions concurrently, may be appropriate in certain circumstances, especially where clients might benefit from mediators with varied professional experience (for example, a mediator who is also a lawyer and a mediator who is a financial advisor).

The relatively new practise of “hybrid mediation” combines features of civil mediation with the mediator meeting individually with each client and their attorneys to examine concerns and settlement alternatives. In this procedure, the hybrid mediator is allowed to keep sensitive material (such as negotiation positions) in order to assist in the identification of common ground.


As with other out-of-court methods, confidentiality is a significant advantage of mediation. Mediation is totally secret, since the parties, the mediator, and any advisers sign a Mediation Agreement that specifies the private nature of the talks. This may safeguard any youngsters involved and keep financial information confidential.

Why Choose Family Mediation Bradford?
Impartial Mediators

Mediators are completely impartial so that helps with providing solutions for couples in a fast and effective manner without judgement and influence.


As mediators we don't disclose any information to anyone.
We work exclusively for the couples providing a safe environment.

Save Time & Money

On average mediation costs less than £500 per couple to resolve disputes sometimes less. Go to your family Solicitor and you will spend thousands.