The Basics

The basics

The Basics

Our mediators can help you. We don’t confuse our customers with technical or legal jargon. Keep is simple.

Divorcing is a really tough and costly affair. Sadly, the movies make it seem like such a beautiful thing while in fact, it is always a harrowing process for both parties. It is a really dreadful experience that can make you want to stay in your unhappy marriage.

Nonetheless, this should not be the case. There are ways you can make your divorce simple, smooth and generally affordable. This is why you will find these few pointers from the A-Z guide glossary divorce specialists have to offer.


the basics

Fast, Smooth And Simple Divorce Option - The Basics

You will need just one thing for a smooth and fast divorce.

You most definitely not want to spend the next three years of your life visiting courtrooms while you can get the thing over and done in just three days, right?

The best way to make a divorce fast and smooth is to use Fixed Price Divorce Services. Just as the name suggests the price for the divorce is fixed.

As aforementioned, divorce can be a little bit too costly for many people. This is why the fixed price divorce services come in really handy. With these services you are guaranteed that you will not have to pay a fortune for your divorce proceedings.

The process will be covered in a really short while and you will not run at an extra cost because of hidden charges or whatever else people usually pay for during their divorce processes.

Fixed Price Divorce Services usually ask you to pay a one-time fee that you will not have to discuss payments again.

It is so much better than paying a divorce attorney by the hour. You will run bankrupt before you even get to the third session.

Here, there are no worries about any upcoming expenses related to your divorce. Things will run very smoothly and the best part of it is that instead of setting up camp at the court, you can have the divorce finalized in just under three visits.

Divorce Of Options The Basics

The cost of divorce is usually better when you work with the fixed price divorce rates.

However, even these depend on the type of divorce proceedings you choose to work with. There are basically two types of divorce proceedings: mediation and court litigation.

Which of these two do you think is best for you?

Court proceedings are not pretty at all. They are so public as well as disturbingly long. You will only get your divorce depending on the availability of the lawyers and the judge. When it comes to lawyers, you can make them more available but then with the judge? You just have to work with his/her schedule.

Mediation for divorce also known as divorce arbitration is easier and by far better than going to a court. All you have to do is choose a lawyer, sit down and talk things over to choose exactly what you want to do about your divorce.

What should go to whom and how much should the other pay?

In the case of arbitration, things are way faster than a court.

Divorce mediation has so many benefits including the fact that assets are divided as per the individual parties’ and their requirements. In simpler terms, you get a say on what is going to happen to certain things after your divorce. The mediator will negotiate with the other party to hear their point of view and help the two parties find the perfect option.

Court procedures for divorce usually follow the law strictly. There will be no exceptions made and if you get a say in the court then you are very lucky. However, with mediation, you can always be sure that you will be listened to and your opinion will be taken into consideration. This basically means that mediation is more costly than the court proceedings. In such a case you will then find the fixed priced divorce rates to be quite convenient.

There is one very ugly term that is used to describe children after a failed marriage, children of divorce’.

This is not a pretty term at all and it can have a grave effect on the psychology of your children. There are parents who do not really care about their children and would just fight over everything during the divorce in order to hurt each other.

According to the A-Z guide glossary divorce experts use; there are so many things that can affect the children during a divorce. If you think that the divorce is hard on you, imagine how much harder it is on your children. Children should be handled with such tremendous care to ensure that they do not end up being affected for life by your divorce.

Stories have been told of children developing very strange behaviour due to their parents’ divorce. Trauma is a real thing for children. There is nothing as bad as your kids being traumatized. It is easy to get traumatized but getting out of it is a totally different thing. This is where the other costs usually come in from. You have to pay for the children to go for counselling and such activities.

You can, however, spare your kids the unfortunate incident of having to hate both parents if you go through a simple and fast divorce process. The worst thing is usually if you start fighting and it is the prolonged kind of fight. Before you get divorced, it is always wise to talk to your children and especially so, the teenagers. Teenagers handle things in a very different way from older or younger kids.

The older children might be rational about it, toddlers and grade school children will have no idea of what you are talking about. Teenagers will change dramatically with the change.

When Dealing With Children During A Divorce
Here Are Some Of The Things You Should Avoid Doing At All Costs:
The Basics FAQS

Children have been known to take very drastic measures during a divorce. This is why you need to make the divorce smooth, simple and fast.

If you do this, the children will not have to suffer so much because of your separation or divorce proceedings. At the same time, you will be able to concentrate a lot of your time on helping them cope with it instead of finding ways to incriminate your spouse to get the lion’s share after the divorce.

Handling children during and after a divorce

It really is not a simple task- handling kids during and after a procedure. As a single parent you will have to worry about whether the kids are home safe and when they visit the other parent, are they being taken care of properly?

It is a really sad state of affairs but the sadder ones are the children. To ensure that the children are not under pressure the following tips found in an A-Z guide glossary divorce counsellors will prove to be a bit helpful.

Do not change things up because you have gotten a divorce. In other words, if your dinner is served at seven, let everyone be at the table at seven regardless of whether the other partner is or is not.

Maintaining family routines will make things appear to be quite normal.

Just because you have had a divorce does not mean that you are mortal enemies building battalions against each other. Encourage the children to build a relationship with both parents.

This will ensure that the children lead healthy and comfortable lives by having a relationship with both their parents. It is also better for their peace of mind.

Children are very inquisitive and if they do not ask you questions about the changes in your family then something is wrong.

Be kind enough to explain why the changes in the family structure have taken place. Explain why the other parent is not joining them for dinner or dropping them at school plus many other things they used to do together.

It will make your life so much easier if you could answer the questions and avoid lying to them.

At the same time, do put it in a way that the children will understand. Never drop bombshells on children in a bid to hurt the other partner.

Make it simple for them to understand and as kind as possible.

summarize your divorce you will need to make things in writing; verbal agreements are just never enough in legal proceedings. This is where a consent order comes in to save the day. The consent orders should be presented in court although they are not compulsory. It is basically an optional and voluntary way of getting to an agreement on matters pertaining to finances in the marriage.

A consent order covers several things including:

Money is a good thing but it can turn even the nicest of people into vicious animals. A consent order will therefore spell out all the issues as pertaining to money. It will mention even the minutest of details that are associated with family finances.

When you come up with a consent order you will be making things so much easier for both parties and the children as well. There will be no worries of the case being brought back to life in later future. This of course will happen in the event that it is proven that there was dishonesty during or prior to the signing of the consent order.

A consent order is prepared by a legal expert only. This way you are able to get a consent order that will not be thrown out of court. The order should be written in a format that works for the court and not otherwise. No coercion should take place during the signing. Both parties should sign out of their own free will.

Divorce options

There are basically three ways of getting the divorce done regardless of which procedure you want to employ, whether the court proceedings or the mediation. These include:

• Doing it yourself

This method works best if both parties are on agreeable terms and can actually sit down and talk things over to find a way out of their dysfunctional marriage.

Ridiculous as this might sound, people are using this option to get themselves separated from each other. It is more like the do it yourself’ option discussed above. You simply do the things on your own but it can be quite intimidating not to mention time consuming.

Solicitors are the best option for many people. They tend to be quite easy to work with in the event that the other partner is not being cooperative. Solicitors are quite knowledgeable on matters appertaining to divorce and will thus be of great help.

However, if you seek out the Fixed Price Divorce Services, none of the three options discussed above will be able to match up. This is undoubtedly the best of options. It will work perfectly to suit your particular case without draining you financially and psychologically.

The amount of money you are going to cough out when you decide to visit a solicitor will be determined by the solicitor. The same is the case when you are doing it yourself. You will pay a fortune to get divorced. Online methods are not all that trustworthy- unfortunately. It would always be best to work with fixed price divorce.